Friday, June 29, 2007

Look For Fiddleheads

"Fiddleheads came from that sort of magical place inside me and it has been fun." Fiddleheads makes high quality cotton tees but has since switched to bamboo tees. Now that her bamboo dream is in full swing she decided to open a Etsy shop to get the cotton tees moving. "I looked in old books that were gathering dust-- PENNY MAGAZINE: The Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge....and i was so inspired." She has been on Etsy since December, 2006 and is loving every minute of it. "I got hooked and I love the community." Fiddleheads has taught her much and reminds her of the things you want to hang onto -- the importance of community and creativity in our world. Her art has changed over the past few years and continues to mold into something new. "I am interested in a bigger world and interaction, as opposed to the isolation of a studio. Again, I really don't know where all this is going but I think that the Internet is a great artistic tool!"

Check out her shop at Etsy:

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