Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Miss Evil Kitty

MissEvilkitty is the alter ego of one very eccentric young woman named Gabbie. She also found that paper and glue can make some really cool stuff. So her love and search for craft books began. At Age eighteen Gabbie opened Missevilkitty.org then it became Missevilkitty.com. In the spring of 2004 Gabbie was diagnosed with Lupus nephritis. Lupus has made Gabbie realize that she did not want to live her life known as the girl with lupus but she wants to be known as Gabbie that crafter chick with lupus.
Gabbie is one of the greatest designers that I have had the privilege to meet. Most of her work is design templates for websites, banners, avatars, business cards, etc. She has very indie feel and a great eye for class. Check her out at Esty or Missevilkitty.com.

1 comment:

Monica Yvette said...

I have Missevilkitty as one of my favorite sellers on Etsy. I think her work is superb.


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