Saturday, July 19, 2008

Encaustic Painting - Newbyart

This is a 7 piece set for encaustic painters. Encaustic painting, also known as hot wax painting, involves using heated beeswax to which colored pigments are added. The liquid/paste is then applied to a surface — usually prepared wood, though canvas and other materials are often used.
The simplest encaustic mixture can be made from adding pigments to beeswax, but there are several other recipes that can be used — some containing other types of waxes, damar resin, linseed oil, or other ingredients. Pure, powdered pigments can be purchased and used, though some mixtures use oil paints or other forms of pigment.

In this set, you'll get 6 colors and 1 encaustic medium.

1) Encaustic Medium (refined, unbleached beeswax with 95:5 wax/ carnauba ratio)
2) Frost Bite White (opaque)
3) Storm Cloud Gray (semi-translucent)
4) Fire Hydrant Red (semi-translucent)
5) Bouncy Ball Yellow (semi-translucent)
6) Cut Grass Green (semi-translucent)
7) Jellyfish Blue (semi-translucent)

For more information see Newby Art's Shop

1 comment:

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said...

This is a great item. I went to her Etsy site and would LOVE to get some for my daughter for the holidays. Such a great idea.


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