Monday, December 08, 2008

A Weekend of Markets

Whew... I am very tired today, hence the late blog post. I had two holiday markets this weekend with lots of customers and singing elfs! Yep, elfs.
The first market was on Saturday at The First Saturday Arts market, located in The Heights off of 19th street. Mitch and the gang were out rustling up shoppers and spreading holiday cheer. There is nothing that is more needed this year then holiday cheer. Go on, sing is up right now..... "Falalala lalalalala...." Nice singing voice!
The second market was on Sunday at The Artful Corner, a sweet little art shop in The Heights off of 9th street. It was full of holiday decor galore with tons of sweet smiling faces. Nothing like meeting new friends over cocktails to brighten your mood. Mitch even stopped by to see how things are going. That is one sweet dude, but remember ladies, he's taken!

More pictures in the days to come. Keep checking back. I'll also be featuring some of the artists that I met this weekend. 

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