Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Weather Outside is Gloomy

With this intense fog that has settled over the Houston area, it makes we want to sleep in more then normal! Besides the fact that I have no energy to start with, this makes for a long and cold winter. To keep myself occupied, I am trying to think of new designs, new things to create, and how I will handle my business after the little Punkin arrives.
Knowing that things will not ever be the same, I am trying to prepare myself business wise, to understand how to run a company plus take care of a baby. Most of my advice comes from other mothers who run their own businesses and very successfully. Though, I am still looking for adivce. I mean you can't have enough, right?

How do you balance the day? Did you have to close down for a time? Did you reopen wishing you hadn't lost all your customers?

Help out a Punkin here....

Merry Christmas!

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