Thursday, December 07, 2006

Good Day Sunshine...

Good morning! It is a beautiful day outside but I know it will not last. Louisiana weather is always changing. No matter how much you want it to rain, well, it's going to rain anyways. But for now, the sun is out, birds keep hitting their heads on my window, it's a great day!
I do have to go to work, though!
Cards? Yes, I love them. I just received my order from and it's so cute! I got some Christmas gift tags and I know these things are going to be the talk of the town, well the talk of my family!
They are too cute.
Still working on the web page. I had no idea how much work it would take and I am sure that all you want to see is the pictures. I will, promise, have some up this weekend. I just need to get through this week then I am yours!
Well, all, have a great day!
Happy Thursday!

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